Hey, I'm Harsh Manwani

6+ years of experience as Software Engineer.
Specialized in developing web & mobile applications.

Work Experience

  1. Indie Developer & Freelance Projects

    Worked on multiple independent and freelance development projects. Engaged in continuous learning and applied skills through various personal projects.
  2. Senior Software Engineer

    Topica Edtech Group - South East Asia

    Led the frontend team for the NativeX Product, an online learning platform, scaling the product to 100k users and significantly boosting revenue. Established coding standards and best practices while implementing complex features. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to align product goals with technical solutions, ensuring seamless integration and enhanced user experience for the rapidly growing user base.
  3. Senior Platform Engineer

    FrontM Ltd - London, UK

    FrontM is a platform that provides low-bandwidth and satellite communication to the Maritime and Aviation industry people. It has a fleet of multiple apps in a single platform.
  4. Founding Engineer

    Waywiser.Life - Austin, USA

    Developed two web apps in next.js: a social media platform for the elderly and an internal company admin tool enhancing user engagement and operational efficiency. Built the social mobile app for iOS and Android using React Native, integrated live notifications, and contributed to backend development with NestJS, MongoDB, and AWS, ensuring robust performance and scalability.
  5. Software Engineer

    Pratham Softwares (PSI) - Jaipur, India

    Delivered solutions to 4 client projects over the time, including BCG, JCurve, and Agility CIS, by developing data-heavy applications to address complex scenarios and features. Won the company's Automation Hackathon by creating innovative automated solutions, demonstrating expertise in efficiency and problem-solving.
  6. Software Engineer

    Biller - Jaipur, India

    Built the Restaurant POS WebApp from scratch for Biller, a comprehensive suite of 14 applications designed for restaurant management, using React.js.
  7. Web Developer & Research Intern

    ISRO (Indian Space Research Org) - India

    Built a landscape change monitoring website with different locations in India using BHUVAN maps satellite imagery. Also did a Case Study on Hyderabad using Google Earth tools.


Image2Vector - Convert any image to vector

Image2Vector - Convert any image to vector

  • Figma Plugin
  • Next.js
  • Tauri
  • Tailwind CSS
Currently, it's a Figma plugin with 25K+ users, with a good amount of paid users. The project is actively expanding to include web and desktop functionality.
Tripshare - Expense splitting app

Tripshare - Expense splitting app

  • Expo
  • React.js
A mobile app which is used for splitting the expenses between a group of people.
Color Quest - Mobile Game

Color Quest - Mobile Game

  • Expo
  • React.js
It's a small mobile game built with React-Native and Expo. It's about picking out the different color in the grid, it's a known brain exercise for kids and professionals in creative field.
Yantra, France

Yantra, France

Complete online store with the Payment system. Designed complete Website, Logo, business cards, etc.
Robin Jewels, India

Robin Jewels, India

Complete online store with the Payment system. Designed complete Website, Logo, business cards, etc.
Stumble Upon

Stumble Upon

  • React.js
  • GraphQL
A link sharing platform. Users can sign up and share links, browse feed and upvote other's post.
Live Sketch

Live Sketch

Real-Time Drawing app - User can create multiple Drawing boards to draw and other users online will see it in real-time.


Simple Blockchain in JavaScript, works on Console. Can make transactions, check balances and checks validity of blocks.

About me

Hey there! I'm Harsh Manwani, a software developer with a penchant for front-end magic and over six years of experience in the tech world. My coding adventure kicked off in my early years, and since then, I've been diving deep into JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, and TypeScript and lot other techs.

Currently, I'm an indie developer and freelancer, juggling multiple projects while constantly learning new tricks of the trade. I had the fantastic opportunity to lead the frontend team for the NativeX Product at Topica Edtech Group, where we scaled the platform to 100k users & significantly boosted revenue.

As the founding engineer at Waywiser.Life, I developed web and mobile apps that made a real impact. At Pratham Softwares (PSI), I delivered complex solutions for big-name clients like BCG, JCurve, and Agility CIS. I even snagged a win at our company's Automation Hackathon for my innovative take on efficiency and problem-solving. (Hint: It involved less coffee and more code.)

On the side, I've launched several personal projects, including Image2Vector, a Figma plugin with over 25K users, and Tripshare, a mobile app for splitting expenses—because nobody likes being the guy who forgot to pay back for pizza.

When I'm not coding, you can find me exploring the latest tech trends, My goal is to keep pushing the envelope and create tech solutions that make life a little easier and a lot more fun.

Harsh Manwani